Thysanoptera of Japan


Ernothrips lobatus (Bhatti, 1967)

和名: - 

日本~インドに広く分布する。本州では初夏~秋にかけてクリやヤマノイモなどの白い花に多く集まる。特に、ヤマノイモでは雄花、雌花共に本種が最も多く集まる昆虫で、花粉を媒介していると考えられている(Mizuki et al., 2005)。タイに分布するE. thailandicus Masumoto & Okajima, 2002は本種に似るが、触角がより太短く、第3節が最長、前翅の基部が鱗片を含め淡色、中・後脛節が黄色であることに対し、本種は触角第6節が最長、前翅の鱗片は褐色、中・後脛節が褐色であることで識別できる。

This species is widely distributed in Japan to India. In Honshu, Japan, this species occurs on white flowers such as Castanea crenata and Dioscorea japonica at early summer to Autumn. Especially, it is most abundant insects visiting both male and female flowers of D. japonica and it may be pollinator of this plant (Mizuki et al., 2005). E. thailandicus Masumoto & Okajima, 2002 distributed in Thailand is very similar to this species but it can be distinguished from this species by following character states: in antennae, segment III the longest (VI longest in this species), fore wing base including clavus pale (clavus dark in this species), and mid and hind tibiae yellow (shaded in this species).

  • Female


    Female head and thorax